3/4Cedar Learning Update

Central idea: Economic activities rely on systems of production, exchange and consumption 

This week in Inquiry, we have researched where some of the food we buy in the supermarket comes from and why we have to import some food items. We are creating a map to show this and have been thinking about how far some of our food has travelled. 

In Computing, we have begun our unit on programming and have been finding out how to add backgrounds and sprites in Scratch, which we have then animated.

In Science we have been investigating states of matter and considering how to classify substances as liquids or solids, for example sand, soil and washing up liquid and have enjoyed researching what they look like under a microsocope to help us with classification.  We have also planted sunflower seeds and are eagerly awaiting their germination!

We have started our new Reading Comprehension book, "The Great Chocoplot" and the thought of a possible Chocopocalypse, when all the world's chocolate disappears in six days, has not been well received!