6MonkeyPuzzle Learning   Update

Central idea: Conflict shapes society

Our Learning This Week

This week, we have continued to work hard revising the subject areas that will be tested during the SATs week. We have revisited multiple areas of our maths curriculum and have focused on our inference skills in reading comprehension, ensuring we use the text as evidence to justify and prove. We continue to learn and apply grammatical terms and features, transferring these skills to our writing. We have been writing historically over the last week, learning about conflict and how Hitler's rise to power contributed towards the conflict of World War 2.


A reminder that the SATs week will take place after the bank holiday of the king's coronation between Tuesday 9th May - Friday 12th May. It is vitally important that the children are in school during this week. We will be providing a complimentary breakfast for Y6 pupils during this week with children welcome on site from 8.15am to eat together in order to help them to feel settled and prepared for the tests they face that day.