Oak        Learning Update

Central idea: Families can support the local community.

Line of Inquiry One: An inquiry into different types of families. 

We started our inquiry with a lengthy conversation about our families and why they are so special to us. We had a number of heart warming responses. 

Iris: My family are magic. They make everything better. 

Hudson: Families stick together and look after each other. 

Imogen: You would get sick if you didn't have a family. 

Annie: Families are here to love you and care for you. 

Jessica: My family is big so I get more cuddles. 

Mrs Mason: Team Oak are a family.

We read the text ' A Handful of Buttons' and talked about how all families can be different but all have a common thread - love and care.

Over the course of the week, we have used our phonic knowledge to write about our families. We have used our artistic skills to draw the special people in our lives and we have used our number skills to count groups of figures and add them together. 

My family are special because they make me yummy dinners. I love my family - Jaxon

My family are special because they care for me - Annie

"There are 4 animals there and then 2 more there and then 1 more and 1 more. There are 8 little animals on the school bus." Noah

Moving forward, we plan to look at the positive impact our families have on the local community of Marden. We will look in closer detail how our families help and look after each other, whether this be through their jobs or simply through acts of kindness. We look forward to hearing Team Oak's thoughts and opinions and possible ideas about how we can support our community. 


Please bring in reading books on Mondays and Thursdays so they can be changed. 

PE kits will be sent home on Fridays, please can they be returned on Mondays.