3Beech Learning Update

Central idea: Evidence of past civilizations can be used to make connections to present day societies.

This week the children have enjoyed delving into our first line of inquiry. We have been looking at how places can change considering both human influences and more natural influences. Then we focused on invasion and how invasion changes a place, specifically looking at the Battle and Hastings and the children are halfway through writing a biography on William I. We also began practising our sewing skills ready to recreate our own Bayeux Tapestry and understanding why people represent historical events in certain ways, based on how they are feeling at the time.

In maths, we have finished looking at fractions and have started our new topic of mass and capacity. We have started measuring mass using grams and kilograms. The children are also excited about their science topic this term, plants where we have identified the different parts of a plant, particularly the stem and have set up an experiment.