6 Monkey Puzzle Learning Update
Central idea: The natural world can be impacted by the human use of scientific and technological developments.
Our Learning
Our maths focus so far this term has transitioned from fractions to decimals and percentages, understanding how they link and are interchangeable before using this knowledge to begin to find percentages of amounts and apply these methods to word problems.
Through our first line of inquiry, we have focused on the natural world - a part of our Earth that occurs naturally and is not man made. This has led us to learn about rainforests with an emphasis on tropical rainforests. We have identified and located the largest rainforests in the world whilst developing an understanding of what makes a rainforest a rainforest.
We have worked scientifically to learn about electricity and electrical circuits. With Henri Rousseau as our artistic inspiration, we have also been experimenting with sketching and colour to begin to create our own rainforest pictures.