2Sequoia Learning Update

Central idea: Natural disasters impact living things and their environment

As we come to the end of our first line of inquiry, the children have published a fabulous lift the flap, information booklet with all that they have learned about natural disasters. They have enjoyed using watercolour paint to create individual pictures of each disaster. We have inquired about ecosystems and the interdependence between living and non-living things. This linked well with our science learning of living things and their habitats where we have been thinking about the life processes of all living things. The children have written about a british habitat and why certain living things are suited to their habitat.

In outdoor learning we have looked at how wildfires spread. We have also investigated the various habitats we have around our school. Please make sure children have appropriate shoes/wellies, a change of clothes and a warm coat in school each Friday.

Our current maths learning is based on multiplication and division. This week we have started to understand equal and unequal groups and how we can make groups with a given number. Home support with these difficult maths concepts is always beneficial for the children. Thank you.

Things to remember each week:

Thursday - PE Kit

Friday - Outdoor Learning Kit

Reading books