6Elm Learning Update

Central idea: The natural world can be impacted by the human use of scientific and technological developments.

What a start to a new term, and indeed the new year! The children in 6 Elm have returned to school to begin Module 3 fully engaged and immersed in our inquiry learning. So far, we have used our map skills to locate the major rainforests of the world (using coordinates of latitude and longitude), written an information page detailing temperate and tropical rainforests, produced some Henri Rousseau inspired artwork and researched the Amazon in preparation to write a non-chronological report. The students have already built a strong knowledge base of life that exists in the rainforests, in preparation to explore how the rainforests are changing and the threats in which they face. As a class, we were extremely fortunate to get to see some pictures that were brought in by one of our students, who used to live in an area of the world which is partly covered by rainforest. A first-hand experience linking directly to our inquiry!

In science, we have been very busy learning about electricity and the electrical components that are used to construct circuits. Next week, we are going to be busy making our very own wire loop games and over the coming weeks we will be constructing doorbells.

Maths has proved quite challenging this week as the children have been focusing on finding percentages of amounts. We have primarily used the method of finding 1% and then using this to find the required percentage. Please feel free to encourage your child to practise this at home as this will help them greatly, alongside all of the work that we are doing in school, to secure their learning in this area of mathematics.