5Aspen Learning Update

Central idea: The appreciation of artforms can be determined by the audience.

This week, we have delved deeper into our central idea by considering how artforms are used as a means of expression. We listened to the classical piece, 'The Carmen Overture', and considered how the composer was expressing themself through the form of music. To understand the meaning, we became reflective and considered what individually felt the story being told was, showing this in art form: we then used this to write narratives of our interpretation. We then considered how we could represent music as a piece of art, exploring how certain sounds, tempos and pitches may create sharper lines or bolder colours.

We have been multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and a 1000 in maths, applying this knowledge to word related contexts. We have also answered the question 'What is gravity?' in science, and will apply this to an investigation next week.