Year 4 visited St. John Church this week to take part in an Easter Experience. The children took part in a variety of activities including drama, singing, painting and gardening. 

Pupils in Year 4 had an amazing time visiting the Sports Dock at UEL for a day of sporting activities. Pupils studying Sports Science and more at UEL put together a day of campus tours, skipping, cricket and athletics for our pupils to participate in. 

 In art lesson, Year 4 have been created their own design for a mosaic based on their knowledge form History lessons.  The pupils have learnt how to roll clay to a consistent thickness and use tools to imprint their design and cut their tile shapes. 

On World Book Day, students of Stratford Manor had a wonderful day, celebrating the joy that books and stories bring to us all. Pupils also dressed up as their favourite book characters and completed activities around the school. 

Year 4 enjoyed a visit to the Natural History Museum where they learnt more about earthquakes. They were impressed about how life on earth has evolved, and how the Earth has changed. It was very excited to take part in the interactive displays and gained a better understanding of what an earthquake feels like in the earthquake simulation room! 

Our new topic in Science is Sound, so we thought that the best way to understand  how sound is travels is to run an investigation. 

A few pupils had to line alongside the corridor to identify how clearly they can hear the sound that the person at the other end is making. The conclusion was that the sound is loosing the amplitude and the energy after a certain distance that is why some pupils could hear the sound clearer than the others.

In Computing we are learning about Crumble Software ,which is a coding program. Our task was to create a mini orchestra by adding different components like motor, LED, buttons, etc .