Y3 Autumn 2

5th November 2021

This week Year 3 visited the Chislehurst Caves in Kent. The caves have been carved out over hundreds of years. The caves were dug for chalk used in lime burning and brick making for the Building of London, as well as for flints to fire the tinderboxes.  Visiting the caves made us really understand what life was like as a Stone-age person. We had to be extra careful walking in the caves as it was very dark. 

17th November 2021

Year 3 had a go at African drumming today. We learnt how to listen to instructions and work as a team. We had to play the tune altogether listening to the cue from the conductor. At first, it was tricky but with a lot of practise and determination we go there in the end. We also played a listening game where we had to play 3 different drums according to the instructions. We had so much fun!

2nd December 2021

This week Year 3 visited the Horniman Museum. Year 3 visited the Horniman Museum. We first did an African object trail. We discovered a Bata Drum used by the Yoruba people in Nigeria, A Zulu necklace made up of over hundred teeth to a basket used by the Mbendjele people of the  Democratic Republic of the Congo to gather food and materials in the rainforest.

Next, we were lucky enough to do a hands-on workshop. We visited the largest market in Ghana’s capital Accra, tried on clothes, played with a ‘talking’ drum and bought some local clothes. We played  with African toys made from recycled materials. We learnt about the Maasai people’s traditional way of life, their home and the animals that live there.

9th and 10th  December 2021

For two days we have created Batik work based on an African animal during our Art lessons. The work was inspired by the Tinga Tinga stories that we have been reading . We first created our design. Then we traced our design using a tjanting tool with hot wax.  Once we did this, we used Batik ink and used brushes to colour ( using different colours)  within the wax area. We then coloured the background. Once they dried, Ms Ullah ironed the hot wax off, leaving the white lines on the material.  We have created our very own stories and have recorded these as voice overs for our Art work.