Y3 Autumn 1

20th September 2021-SKipping

This week, Year 3 joined the rest of the school to 'skip to keep fit' challenge. We throughly enjoyed this, and are going to continue to beat our highest number of skips! 

4th October- Discover

We discussed what we thought emotions and feelings are. Anger, worry, trust, joy and sadness were some of the emotions we discussed. Then watched a film and talked about what emotion each animal characters represented and how they dealt with different scenarios. We acted out and role played the emotions and the characters from the film. We then drew and designed our creature with a clear emotion. 

13th October- Discover

We were lucky enough to have Discover to join again today. Merlin from Discover showed us how to create a creature step by step. We had finally turned our designs into 3D using Clay remembering to show an emotion. Our work was photographed and these are now being placed in a gallery at Discover in Stratford for everyone to see!   

15th October 2021

Today Ms Dhana spoke to us about Zimbabwe. She talked about her life in Zimbabwe as a child. We learnt about her first hand experience of the weather, culture, food, clothes. We also got to have a play on digital Mbira on the Chrome book. A Mbira musical instruments, traditional to the Shona people of Zimbabwe. They consist of a wooden board with attached staggered metal tines, played by holding the instrument in the hands and plucking the tines with the thumbs.

18th October 2021

Ms McGee visited us came to talk to us about her time in Nigeria when she was a child. We asked lots of questions and learnt lots about Nigeria. 

18th October 2021

Year 3 used the VR headsets to travel around different countries in Africa. We visited Egypt, Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and saw a variety animals up close in Africa. This was fascinating as we could really have a great feel about what the landscape in each country was like. 

20th October 2021

In DT we made Mandazi. These are a type of fried bread from East Africa. These are similar to doughnuts. They are eaten as a snack or as an accompaniment to meals. We also made sweet Puff Puff which is a very popular West African street food that’s quick and easy to make. These were super, super delicious! We learn't how to measure ingredients accurately, grate lime, sieve flour and appreciate yummy food from Africa!

21st October 2021

Today we had a a special visitor to talk to us about her roots in Tanzania, Africa. Miya's mum visited us about the culture, the flag, food, people who live there, music and lots more.  We asked lots of questions and learnt lots about Tanzania

22nd October 2021

In DT,  we made Pea soup. This is made at harvest time in East Africa. This is a filling meal, but relies on access to several spices, which are mainly found close to cities and large towns. We learnt how to peel, slice, chop using different kitchen utensils. It was  hard work but worth it in the end!