Soaper Heroes 

This week we’ve taken part in the Soaper Heroes national campaign to help us all understand just how important washing our hands is. We’ve already been making a huge effort to keep ourselves clean and healthy, but there’s always room for improvement.

First, we learnt about all the nasty, unsuspecting places germs hide and we were amazed at how many places we often touch that are riddled with germs. We even got to look at germs under UV lights to see just how many invisible things are living on our hands and the surfaces around us. 

Next stop was a crash course in learning how to wash our hands properly. We covered our hands in paint and scrubbed them for 20 seconds to see how clean we could get that. We soon discovered that we’d been making a crucial mistake - washing all the soap off before we’d had a chance to properly scrub our mitts. Luckily, after realising our mistake, we all managed to clean them properly and ended up with some squeaky clean hands.