Malala's Magical Pencil

Over the next four weeks, we’ll be exploring the fabulous book ‘Malala’s Magic Pencil’ by the inspirational Malala Yousafzai. 

The book starts with Malala telling us a story about how when she was younger she used to wish she had a magic pencil which brought anything it drew to life. How incredible! we thought. What would we draw if we had a magic pencil? 

We all set about doodling away - we imagined trips to New York, to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower, expensive hotels to treat our families to holidays, colouring books for our sisters, a mountain of cookies to eat! 

The lesson ended and off we trotted outside to practice our counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. So there we were, standing in a circle in the playground, when Ms Veryard noticed something flapping in the breeze. It was the dress she’d drawn if she’d had a magic pencil! We tore across the playground to check it out. 

Then we realised, if the dress was here, what about the Kiwi fruit, money, jewellery and happy classroom she’d drawn? Cue a massive rush around the playground as we tried to find these objects. 

First up, the cash!

Then we spotted the Kiwis.

Next came the jewellry. 

And finally, super excited and enjoying themselves outside, was the happy class of children.