Trash Monsters

Our Project

Our project started off as an effort to increase the amount of recycling bins at an off-campus apartment complex. We noticed that not many complexes had bins, and the ones that did were labeled poorly. Later our conversation took a turn to "how can we increase the amount education and exposure students have to recycling and its importance". In order to do this we decided to create magnets that students will see when they go to use the recycling bins already provided for them. If they have questions about what, where, and how to recycle, they will be able to scan a QR code on the magnet that will then direct them to a website to answer their question. We will also have links to websites that provide environmental facts that educate the user and will hopefully create a sense of care for the environment.

Importance of Recycling

The importance of recycling and its direct benefits

Any effort to combat climate change is certainly a valuable effort, one method of combatment is recycling. Recycling is not only important but is essential to ensuring a decrease in our carbon footprint because it reduces pollution, reduces the need to extract raw valuable resources, saves energy, and reduces landfill mass. An excessive amount of human product consumption results in a large amount of trash accumulation in landfills, which results in waste management companies having to expand their landfills in order to accommodate for more of the consumer's trash, eventually having to increase the cost of their waste management services. In addition, an increase in users' consumption can also contribute to the fast rate of climate change due to companies creating more products at a faster rate to keep up with the demand resulting in an increase in the amount of their carbon emissions making these energy expensive resources (Napa).

Human waste is leaving its footprints everywhere and it’s affecting many different species. To combat that problem we can collectively put in the effort to reuse existing material which decreases energy consumption.

Our Inspiration

Michael King's Inspiration

My inspiration for this project is directly from my passion for the environment and the sustainability of human life. I’ve always known about climate change and the fact that humans are the main cause, however it wasn’t until I had taken environmental science in high school where I learned the importance of protecting our environment. Before, I never cared to exert the energy to recycle because I didn’t understand the importance of the topic, which is similar to the overall result that my partner and I seen after surveying off campus apartment residents for our first project idea, which was to create a proposal to include recycling bins in off-campus apartment complexes who didn’t have one. The purpose of the survey was to gain information about the residents’ knowledge on recycling and if they care to recycle if they had the chance and the majority of the results were people not knowing about the importance of recycling therefore would be less likely to put in the effort to recycle, however would recycle if they had the chance to because they knew the overall purpose of recycling. These results made me understand the importance of environmental education because when someone isn’t informed of a topic, they will be less likely to do anything to help solve the problem.

Alyssa Quinn's Inspiration

My inspiration comes from the fact that I am angered to see our once clean nature unnecessarily littered with the garbage that we've produced and haphazardly thrown away. I see how it affects our wildlife and their homes, which they have no way to defend against us. I see how we are doing very little to repurpose all of the items we already have on Earth, yet continue to make more of and use up our precious resources. I see how those living in poverty or in still developing countries are the ones to bear the weight of our burdens, as they are having to not only leave their homes, but also come up with innovative sustainable solutions. I see the lack of care and self responsibility when it comes to protecting the Earth. I have often felt jealous of those in the far past that were able to experience the freshest water, the cleanest air, and the clearest skies that nature had to offer, and how I may never be able to experience that. However I do believe that starts with education and creating a connection with the Earth. I feel hopeful that my generation and those that follow will hold the environment at a higher level of importance. I feel hopeful because I have seen, through just talking to my community, that a large portion of us feel the need to take action.

Recycling for Students

GVSU has numerous recycling options, with recycling bins inside of every housing building. In Laker Village and Ravines parking lots, all academic buildings, and at the Central Utilities Building located at 1 Campus Dr.

Campus West

Campus West is located at 4832 W Campus Dr right off of 48th. There is one bin marked as orange right next to the yellow G building.

Campus View is located at 10255 42nd Ave, Allendale, MI 49401, they have a recycling bin behind a shuttle bus stop.

Meadows Crossing is located at 10745 48th Ave Ste B-100, Allendale, MI 49401.

Our Magnet Prototypes

In order to educate our community further, we have designed prototypes of the magnets that could be placed on the recycling bins to help guide users who want to recycle but aren't quite sure how.

What, Where, How

With this magnet you can find out where to recycle, what to recycle, and how to prepare your recyclables.

Increase your Awareness

With this magnet you can increase your environmental awareness by reading up on shocking facts.


The importance of recycling and dives into the different processes of it.

The main goal of this project is to bring awareness to the fact that environmental issues we have been directly causing are indirectly affecting us, and our hope is that by informing individuals about how, what and where to recycle including how recycling is beneficial to us will motivate one to want to put the effort in to combat climate change.

Trash Monsters