GPA Calculation

LTHS maintains a weighted GPA and an unweighted GPA.  The weighted is always and only on the 100-point scale. The unweighted is always and only on the 4-point scale.  Per LTISD policy, the weighted GPA does not convert to an unweighted scale, and the unweighted GPA does not convert to a weighted scale.

Grading and Averaging

Grade Scale: A:  90 – 100 B:  80 – 89 C:  70 – 79 F:  Below 70

Students earn credits in 0.5 increments and need a 70% or higher to earn each 0.5 credit. 

Semester Calculation: The average of both nine weeks will equal eighty percent (80%) of the semester grade plus the semester exam grade which will equal twenty percent (20%) of the semester grade. Student’s academic achievement records will provide an unweighted grade point average on a 4.0 scale.  

Grade Points Earned:   A  (90-100): 4 points B (80-89):  3 points C (70-79):  2 points

D (60-69):  1 point   F (59 or below): 0 points

Semester Averaging: A student who fails one semester of a two-semester course taken at LTHS can earn credit for a full year if the overall average is 70% or higher. Semester averaging is only allowed between semesters in a single school year and not over multiple years. 

Weighted Numerical Grade Average

A student’s cumulative Weighted Numerical Grade Average is on a 100-point scale and begins at the end of the first semester of the 9th grade year and is recalculated at the end of each semester. 

Calculation of the student’s Weighted Numerical Grade Average shall include grades earned in all courses except the following courses, whether earned in the District or transferred:

Note:  Refer to the academic course guide below for details on core and advanced courses offered by Lake Travis ISD

Calculations shall include semester grades earned in Lake Travis ISD virtual learning courses but no other virtual learning courses.

Course grading weights shall be assigned to the student’s semester grades for the calculation of a weighted numerical grade average in accordance with the following scale:

Category                                                                            Weight            

Regular multiplied by 1.0

Honors  multiplied by 1.1

     (including Pre-AP and Honors courses)

Advanced multiplied by 1.2

         (including AP, Advanced Honors, and UT OnRamps courses)

All students shall be required to take a minimum of four un-weighted credits during high school. These four un-weighted Regular credits shall be used in the calculation of class rank and of the top ten percent. A student shall complete three of the four required un-weighted Regular credits prior to the beginning of his or her senior year.

Regular courses shall provide a challenging curriculum based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). 

Honors & Pre AP courses extend and enrich the TEKS. They shall be academically rigorous courses that provide the skills and strategies students need to succeed in future advanced courses.

Advanced AP courses provide a college-level curriculum and are nationally recognized for their advanced level of curriculum. Students may earn college credit for these courses based on AP Exam scores. Advanced Honors courses are courses that exceed offered AP courses or follow in the course sequence after offered AP courses.

Dual-Credit and Dual-Enrollment courses provide students the opportunity to earn college credits from an approved higher-education partner. Austin Community College is the approved provider for dual-credit and The University of Texas at Austin is the approved provider for dual-enrollment. 

Transfer Credit Policy - Course Credit from an Accredited State, National, or International School

LTHS grants course credit from an accredited educational institution providing that (1) the course credit is recorded on an official transcript of that educational institution, (2) the course is a recognized credit course in the State of Texas, and (3) the course meets the TEKS for the specific course. LTHS uses a numerical grade as shown on the educational institution’s official transcript for calculating GPA and class rank except for grades from non-American educational institutions. Grades for International or non-American educational institutions will receive a Pass/Fail for each credit on the transcript according to the official record from the previous school. In addition, LTHS shall award honor points for the purpose of GPA and class rank for any grade that meets the above three criteria if the educational institution’s official transcript designates the course as honors, Pre-AP, AP, IB, or accelerated. Honors points will only be awarded for courses that are offered at LTHS at the accelerated level. If the educational institution does not provide a numerical grade, LTHS shall assign the following numerical grades for letter grades:


100 Point Scale                                             4.0 scale

A+ = 98 A = 95 A- = 92           A = 4.0

B+ = 88 B = 85 B- = 82           B = 3.0

C+ = 78 C = 75 C- = 72           C = 2.0

D+ = 68 D = 65 D- = 62           D = 1.0

Transfer credit will not be awarded for any grade that is a “D” unless credit is reflected on the transcript of the educational institution that assigned the grade. In those cases, LTHS will honor that credit. Credit will not be awarded any courses receiving an “F”. Any “P” pass shall not be granted grade points; however, credit shall be granted for any course receiving a “P” and meeting the above three criteria as stated in the first paragraph. Course credit earned through credit recovery will receive a “P.”