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LawPubServ Course catalog

Level 1 Courses:


Grade: 9-10 Credit: 1 Course #1690           

Prerequisite: None

Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security introduces students to professions in law enforcement, protective services, corrections, firefighting, and emergency services. The course provides students with an overview of the skills necessary for careers in law enforcement, fire service, protective services, and corrections.

Level 2 Courses:


Grade: 10–12 Credit: 1 Course #1691

Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

Law Enforcement I is an overview of the history, organization, and functions of local, state, and federal law enforcement. Students will understand the role of constitutional law at local, state, and federal levels; the U.S. legal system; criminal law; and law enforcement terminology and the classification and elements of crime.


Grade: 10–12 Credit: 1 Course #1692

Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

Criminal Investigation is a course that introduces students to the profession of criminal investigations. Students will understand the basic functions of criminal investigations and procedures and will learn how to investigate or follow up during investigations. Students will learn terminology and investigative procedures related to a criminal investigation, crime scene processing, evidence collection, fingerprinting, and courtroom presentation. Through case studies and simulated crime scenes, students will collect and analyze evidence such as fingerprint analysis, bodily fluids, hairs, fibers, shoe and tire impressions, bite marks, drugs, tool marks, firearms and ammunition, blood spatter, digital evidence, and other types of evidence.


Grade: 10–12 Credit: 1 Course #1695

Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

Court Systems and Practices is an overview of the federal and state court systems.  The course identifies the roles of judicial officers and the trial processes from pretrial to sentencing and examines the types and rules of evidence.  Emphasis is placed on constitutional laws for criminal procedures such as search and seizure, stop and frisk, and Interrogations.  This course will provide students with practical legal application opportunities through motion practice, brief writing, oral arguments, moot court and mock trials.


Grade: 10–12 Credits: 1 Course #1620 

Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, Finance or Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

Business Law is designed for students to analyze various aspects of the legal environment, including ethics, the judicial system, contracts, personal property, sales, negotiable instruments, agency and employment, business organization, risk management, and real property.  **Students will visit the Travis County Courthouse and County Jail and learn about/participate in the Texas High School Mock Trial Competition.

Level 3 Courses:


Grade: 11–12 Credit: 1 Course #1548

Prerequisite: None 

In Counseling and Mental Health, students model the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue counseling and mental health career through simulated environments. Students are expected to apply knowledge of ethical and legal responsibilities, limitations on their actions and responsibilities, and the implications of their actions. Students understand how professional integrity in counseling and mental health care is dependent on the acceptance of ethical and legal responsibilities.


Grade:11–12 Credit: 1 Course #1575

Recommended Prerequisites: Law Enforcement I or Criminal Investigations

Forensic Psychology is found at the intersection between psychology and the criminal justice system. It involves understanding criminal law in order to analyze the role of forensic psychology within the criminal justice system.


Grade: 11-12 Credit: 1 Course #1574

Recommended Prerequisite: Court Systems and Practices, Business Law, AP Seminar, or Debate

Advanced Legal Skills & Professions provides students with an in depth look at the legal profession.  Students are introduced to the critical thinking, research, and writing skills required of all attorneys as well as the ethical obligations of all attorneys.  Students are expected to demonstrate those skills and correctly navigate complex ethical issues.  In addition, students participate in an in depth examination of the anatomy of a civil case from inception through appeal.  Students will participate in mock filings, discovery processes, depositions, interrogatories, and trials and will also examine client-building and confidentiality requirements. Students will learn how to evaluate a set of facts, identify the strengths and weaknesses of a case, argue persuasively, and develop a coherent trial strategy. 

Level 4 Courses:


Grade:11–12 Credit: 1 Course #1326

Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry, Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC), or Physics 

Recommended Prerequisite: Any Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Career Cluster course

Forensic Science is a course that introduces students to the application of science to connect a violation of law to a specific criminal, criminal act, or behavior and victim. Students will learn terminology and procedures related to the search and examination of physical evidence in criminal cases as they are performed in a typical crime laboratory. Using scientific methods, students will collect and analyze evidence such as fingerprints, bodily fluids, hairs, fibers, paint, glass, and cartridge cases. Students will also learn the history and the legal aspects as they relate to each discipline of forensic science. Scientific methods of investigation can be experimental, descriptive, or comparative. The method chosen should be appropriate to the question being asked. Note: This course satisfies a science credit requirement for students on the Foundation High School Program. Note: This course satisfies an advanced science credit.


Grade: 12 Credit: 2 Course #1694

Prerequisite: Successful completion of  two or more credits, including the completion of one or more advanced (Level 3 or 4) , in CTE courses that are part of a coherent sequence of courses in either the Law Enforcement or Legal Studies Program of Study.

The practicum course is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills in law, public safety, corrections, and security. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience. Students are encouraged to participate in extended learning experiences such as career and technical student organizations and other leadership or extracurricular organizations. NOTE: This course is double blocked.   Please review the LTHS Practicum and Career Prep Handbook  before selecting a practicum or career prep course.


Grade: 11–12 Credit: 2 Course #1626 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of two or more credits in CTE courses that are part of a coherent sequence of courses in the same CTE Program of Study.

Career Preparation I provides opportunities for students to participate in a work-based learning experience that combines classroom instruction with business and industry employment experiences. The goal is to prepare students with a variety of skills for a changing workplace. Career preparation is relevant and rigorous, supports student attainment of academic standards, and effectively prepares students for college and career success. NOTE: This course is double blocked, 1 class period, 1 work off campus period.  Please review the LTHS Practicum and Career Prep Handbook  before selecting a practicum or career prep course.