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CTE BusMktFinance Course catalog

Level 1 Courses:


Grade: 9–10 Credits: 1 Course #1612

Prerequisite: None. 

In Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance, students gain knowledge and skills in economies and private enterprise systems, the impact of global business, the marketing of goods and services, advertising, and product pricing. Students analyze the sales process and financial management principles. This course allows students to reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems, and settings in business, marketing, and finance. 


Grade: 9–10 Credit: 1 Course #1662

Prerequisite: None.

In Money Matters, students will investigate money management from a personal financial perceptive. Students will apply critical-thinking skills to analyze financial options based on current and projected economic factors. Students will gain knowledge and skills necessary to establish short-term and long-term financial goals. Students will examine various methods of achieving short-term and long-term financial goals through various methods such as investing, tax planning, asset allocation, risk management, retirement planning, and estate planning.


Grade: 9-10 Credit: 1 Course #1601

Prerequisite: None

In Business Information Management I, students implement personal and interpersonal skills to strengthen individual performance in the workplace and in society and make a successful transition to the workforce and postsecondary education utilizing digital literacy skills. Students apply technical skills to address business applications of emerging technologies, create word processing documents, develop a spreadsheet, formulate a database, and make an electronic presentation using appropriate software.


Grade: 7-10 Credit: 1 Course #1602

Prerequisite: None

In Digital Media, students will focus on fundamental elements and principles of visual art and design. Students will design and create projects using a variety of Adobe Creative Cloud software. Students will explore career opportunities in various creative technological fields of study, as well as demonstrate employability skills and develop a working resumé. Each student will leave with an understanding of the creative technology fields as they pertain to graphic design, photography and animation.  Students will use Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Animate, and Premiere.  Students will have the opportunity to earn an Adobe Photoshop Certification.   Digital Media is the Level I prerequisite course for the Animation, Graphic Design, and Commercial Photography strands within the AATVC program of study. 

Level 2 Courses:


Grade: 10–12 Credit:1

Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance. 

In Accounting I, students will investigate the field of accounting, including how it is impacted by industry standards as well as economic, financial, technological, international, social, legal, and ethical factors. Students will reflect on this knowledge as they engage in the process of recording, classifying, summarizing, analyzing, and communicating accounting information. Students will formulate and interpret financial information for use in management decision making. Accounting includes such activities as bookkeeping, systems design, analysis, and interpretation of accounting information.


Grade: 10–12 Credit: 1 Course #1614

Prerequisite: Algebra l 

Financial Mathematics is a course about personal money management. Students will apply critical-thinking skills to analyze personal financial decisions based on current and projected economic factors. Note: This course satisfies a math credit requirement for students on the Foundation High School Program.


Grade: 10–12 Credits: 1 Course #1620 

Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance or Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

Business Law is designed for students to analyze various aspects of the legal environment, including ethics, the judicial system, contracts, personal property, sales, negotiable instruments, agency and employment, business organization, risk management, and real property.  **Students will visit the Travis County Courthouse and County Jail and learn about/participate in the Texas High School Mock Trial Competition.


Grade: 10–12 Credits: .5 Course #1685

Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance

Virtual Business is designed for students to start a virtual business by creating a web presence, conducting online and off-line marketing, examining contracts appropriate for an online business and demonstrating project-management skills. Students will also demonstrate bookkeeping skills for a virtual business, maintain business records, and understand the legal issues associated with a virtual business.


Grade: 10–12 Credit: 1 Course #1617

Prerequisite: None

Recommended Prerequisites: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance

Students will learn the principles necessary to begin and operate a business. The primary focus of the course is to help students understand and develop skills in Entrepreneurship, Startups, Leadership & Team Building, Business Communication & Conflict, Economic Concepts & systems, & Capitalism, Small Business Operations and Management, Business Plans, Recordkeeping, & Analyzing Data, Marketing, Management, & Finance.


Grade: 10-12 Credit: 1 Course #1593

Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance

Marketing explores the seven core functions of marketing including marketing planning, marketing-information management, pricing, product/service management, channel management, and selling. Students will demonstrate knowledge in hands-on projects which may include conducting research, creating a promotional plan, pitching a sales presentation, and introducing an idea for a new product/service.


Grade: 10–12 Credit: .5 Course #1618

Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance

Sports and Entertainment Marketing will provide students with a thorough understanding of the marketing concepts and theories that apply to sports and entertainment. The areas this course will cover include basic marketing concepts, publicity, sponsorship, endorsements, licensing, branding, event marketing, promotions, and sports and entertainment marketing strategies.

Level 3 Courses:


Grade: 11–12 Credit: 1 Course #1623 

Prerequisites: Accounting I

In Accounting II, students will continue the investigation of the field of accounting, including how it is impacted by industry standards as well as economic, financial, technological, international, social, legal, and ethical factors. Students will reflect on this knowledge as they engage in various managerial, financial, and operational accounting activities. Students will formulate, interpret, and communicate financial information for use in management decision making. Students will use equations, graphical representations, accounting tools, spreadsheet software, and accounting systems in real-world situations to maintain, monitor, control, and plan the use of financial resources. Note: This course satisfies a math credit requirement for students on the Foundation High School Program.


Grade: 10–12 Credits: 1 Course #1686 

Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance

Business Management is designed to familiarize students with the concepts related to business management as well as the functions of management, including planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Students will also demonstrate interpersonal and project-management skills.


Grade: 10–12 Credits: .5 Course #1610

Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance

Global Business is designed for students to analyze global trade theories, international monetary systems, trade policies, politics, and laws relating to global business as well as cultural issues, logistics, and international human resource management.


Grade: 11–12 Credit: 1 Course #1591

Prerequisite: Entrepreneurship I

This course is designed to introduce you to the real world experience of entrepreneurship and business.  Students will work in teams to create a business model canvas around a problem, need, or want. They will apply inquiry-based learning to identify problems or risks, seek solutions, and test different business model assumptions and analyze data to inform business model decisions. Students will iterate the business model canvas within each of the business disciplines (i.e. marketing, development, finance, etc.), develop and test an abbreviatedMinimum Viable Product to measure viability of solution, create a narrative or story of a business idea and develop communication and sales plans, including promotional strategies, and pitch a startup idea to a group of professional investors.


Grade: 11-12 Credit: 2 Course #1594

Prerequisite: Marketing, Sports & Entertainment Marketing I,  or Social Media Marketing

In Advanced Marketing, students will gain knowledge and skills that help them become proficient in one or more of the marketing functional areas. Students will illustrate appropriate management and research skills to solve problems related to marketing. This course covers technology, communication, and customer service skills.


Grade: 10–12 Credit: .5 Course #1635

Prerequisite: Sports & Entertainment Marketing I

Sports and Entertainment Marketing II is an advanced course designed to build upon students' prior knowledge of sports and entertainment marketing. Students will investigate the components of branding, sponsorships and endorsements, as well as promotion plans needed for sports and entertainment events. The course also supports career development skills and explores career options. 


Grade: 11–12 Credit: .5 Course #1624

Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance or Marketing

Social Media Marketing is designed to look at the rise of social media and how marketers are integrating social media tools in their overall marketing strategy. The course will investigate how the marketing community measures success in the new world of social media. Students will manage a successful social media presence for an organization, understand techniques for gaining customer and consumer buy-in to achieve marketing goals, and properly select social media platforms to engage consumers and monitor and measure the results of these efforts.


Grade: 11–12 Credit: .5 Course #1611

Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance or Marketing

Advertising is designed as a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of advertising. Students will gain knowledge of techniques used in current advertising, including print, broadcast, and digital media. The course explores the social, cultural, ethical, and legal issues of advertising, historical influences, strategies, media decision processes as well as integrated marketing communications, and careers in advertising and sales promotion. The course provides an overview of how communication tools can be used to reach target audiences and increase consumer knowledge.


Grade: 11–12 Credit: 1 Course #1634           

Recommended Prerequisites: Marketing

School Store Operations is a full-year course that involves working in the school-based enterprise on campus and is a capstone experience for students in business and marketing classes. Students will facilitate all aspects of the school run business including sales, promotion, inventory, cash management and general operations. This course is designed to learn the basic fundamentals of creating and operating a new business venture through the management of the on-campus school-based enterprise.  In addition to running the store, students are required to prepare an individual research project and interact with industry mentors as they research, create and present their solutions. Students receive a number grade each grading period based on attendance, assignment completion and store management, project development and weekly checkpoints.

Level 4 Courses:


Grade: 11-12 Credit: 1 Course #1683 

Recommended Prerequisite: Accounting I

Securities and Investments students work to understand, define, and develop financial understanding including; Laws, Regulations, & Ethics, Role of the SEC, Terminology. Investment Analysis, Objectives, & Risk, Values & Calculations, Financial Ratios, Operational Activities, Investment Environments, Economic Relationships, Certification & Licensing, Stocks, dividends, splits, options, hedge funds, futures, bonds, mutual funds, venture capital, & real estate.


Grade: 10–12 Credit: 1 Course #1231 

Prerequisite: Algebra ll

Statistics and Business Decision Making is an introduction to statistics and the application of statistics to business decision making. Students will use statistics to make business decisions. Students will determine the appropriateness of the methods used to collect data to ensure conclusions are valid. Note: This course satisfies a math credit requirement for students on the Foundation High School Program. 


Grade: 12 Credits: 2 Course #1684 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of  two or more credits, including the completion of one or more advanced (Level 3 or 4) , in CTE courses that are part of a coherent sequence of courses in the Business Management Program of Study.

Practicum in Business Management is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences occur in a paid or unpaid arrangement and a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience. Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to strengthen individual performance in the workplace and in society and to make a successful transition to the workforce or postsecondary education. Students apply technical skills to address business applications of emerging technologies. Students develop a foundation in the economic, financial, technological, international, social, and ethical aspects of a business to become competent consumers, employees, and entrepreneurs. Students enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the business environment. Students incorporate a broad base of knowledge that includes the legal, managerial, marketing, financial, ethical, and international dimensions of business to make appropriate business decisions.  NOTE: This course is double blocked.   Please review the LTHS Practicum and Career Prep Handbook  before selecting a practicum or career prep course.


Grade: 12 Credits: 2 Course #1632

Prerequisite: Successful completion of  two or more credits, including the completion of one or more advanced (Level 3 or 4) , in CTE courses that are part of a coherent sequence of courses in the selected CTE Program of Study.

In addition to developing advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Business, Marketing, and Finance Career Cluster, students will be expected to develop an advanced technical understanding of the business aspects of the chosen program of study. Instruction may be delivered through lab-based classroom experiences or career preparation opportunities. NOTE: This course is double blocked.  Please review the LTHS Practicum and Career Prep Handbook  before selecting a practicum or career prep course.


Grade: 12 Credit: 2   Course #1592

Prerequisite: Successful completion of  two or more credits, including the completion of one or more advanced (Level 3 or 4) , in CTE courses that are part of a coherent sequence of courses in the Marketing and Sales Program of Study.

Practicum in Marketing is a series of dynamic activities that focus on the customer to generate a profitable exchange. Students will gain knowledge and skills that help them to be proficient in one or more of the marketing functional areas associated with distribution, financing, marketing information management, pricing, product planning, promotion, purchasing, risk management, and selling skills. Students will integrate skills from academic subjects, information technology, interpersonal communication, and management training to make responsible decisions. The practicum course is a paid or unpaid experience for students participating in a coherent sequence of career and technical courses in marketing.  NOTE: This course is double blocked.  Please review the LTHS Practicum and Career Prep Handbook  before selecting a practicum or career prep course.


Grade: 11–12 Credit: 2 Course #1626 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of two or more credits in CTE courses that are part of a coherent sequence of courses in the same CTE Program of Study.

Career Preparation I provide opportunities for students to participate in a work-based learning experience that combines classroom instruction with business and industry employment experiences. The goal is to prepare students with a variety of skills for a changing workplace. Career preparation is relevant and rigorous, supports student attainment of academic standards, and effectively prepares students for college and career success.  NOTE: This course is double blocked, 1 class period, 1 work off campus period.  Please review the LTHS Practicum and Career Prep Handbook  before selecting a practicum or career prep course.