Why give up summer vacation?

Qile Wu, Grade 7, BRMS class of 2024

Link of petition:https://chng.it/GCKSr9yjgr

You shall not have your summer vacation. In this article, I will show you the absolute reasons why.

First, summer vacation disrupts the students’ learning process. Statistics show that lots of students forgot what they learned before the summer vacation. After 2.5 months of relaxation, students all forgot what they had learnt in the previous year. It is definitely not good for education, therefore it shall be replaced. Also, after two and half months of rest students are becoming lazy at learning, they cannot focus once they are back at school. Also, studies suggest that students are forgetting information they learned in school, especially at English and math skills. Skills that were important to students’ academic and career success.

Secondly, summer vacation is not fair for those students who live in low-income families because they will not be able to receive education for another two and half months, on the other hand, however, students who are in higher income families can go to summer camps and continue their education, and the situation will cause a great gap and learning difference based on students’ families’ wealth status. Studies from John Hopkins University shows that there are two-thirds of academic achievement gaps between high and low income students.

Now, if summer vacation is so bad, create such negative impacts on the students’ learning, what should be the replacement, the substitute? Well, the answer is pretty simple and thousands of schools are already experimenting with it, which is the year-round schooling schedule. Students in year-round schools have 45 days of school followed by 15 days of vacation. Frequent breaks in year-round school are better for students because they can relax more frequently, allowing them to be rested and alert. Instead of a long, sleepy summer break, year round schooling divides it to many small, quick breaks. Also, teachers can plan their lessons during the breaks, giving them more time to do so. In the traditional summer vacation schedule the teachers were working during summer break to work part-time jobs because the school did not provide enough salary for their living. They have become so busy that they don't have time to plan their lessons during the summer break. On the contrary, year-round schooling can prevent such things from happening.

Summer vacation is fun, but what is more important is students’ success both academically and professionally. If you are convinced, try to speak up against it. Just because something is fun and recreational does not indicate that it is beneficial for your future development.

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