VALUES & Services Range


Human Excellence

Leadership & Entrepreneurship

Formality in communications

A questioning attitude

No fear of honesty about mental & physiological risks of cybersecurity & digital activities

Making oneself accountable for one's self-resilience

Helping everyone feel accountable for co-workers' resilience, lifestyle harmony & longevity

Integrity / Neutrality / Inclusion / Forceful "binom backup"

Depth of knowledge / Procedural compliance / Technical Capability

Services Range : mainly B to C, sometimes B to B

LOBBYING and ADVOCACY for real HRO policies (Highly Reliable Organisations) integrated into Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility of organisations, including of startups,

Human resources DEVELOPMENT for performance optimization, social responsibility and risk management,

PROGRAMMING of individual and collective resilience,

Awareness CONFERENCES on inclusion, harassment, burnout or discriminatory mechanisms,

Personal Development : Career COACHING in Resilience with Ayurveda,

Individual or collective resilience COACHING for digital people,

Appointments at Ayurveda Cabinet, Specialty : digitalising staff unbalances, cybersecurity professionals special type of stress,

CONSULTING in Leadership & Entrepreneurship based on Ayurveda knowledge.

Organization of experience sharing and co-development SESSIONS,

SUPPORT for the financing of innovative startups,


PROCUREMENT Advice on Cybersecurity,

BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT for companies that provide services or provide solutions or products for knowledge management, organizational design, cybersecurity, cryptography, artificial intelligence and blockchains and any other technology,

International Business NETWORKING between suppliers, providers and customers.

Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct

Neutrality / Inclusion

Depth of knowledge / Procedural compliance / Technical Capability

Human Excellence : mentally preparing any session with deep respect for my customers and with deepening my will to allow an authentic well-being for each person

Formality in communications and trust on a one-to-one basis. Not getting involved from a personal point of view, in a personal relationship with customers

Confidentiality on my activities & yours. People who leave a comment, a review do this on a volunteer basis, usually anonymizing their names

Integrity of not promoting products or services for my own benefits, but within the interest of the person

Using only the care techniques I have been trained to use, and in which I can prove certifications : Thaï Traditional Techniques, Indian Traditional Techniques

Subscribing to an insurance specifically for my activity registered in NAF code : Entretien corporel (9604Z) with SIRET 491 523 304 00021

Presenting the prevention and remediation virtues of these techniques in a sensible way to western minds, using logical & common sense - not artificial arguments

No fear of honesty about mental & physiological risks of activities, habits, environments. Helping people make the link between causes and consequences to get them into a responsible attitude for themselves

Checking if the mid to long term project is something the person adheres to or not.

Not derivating towards any religious or belief content that would blur the essence of these techniques

Exposing clearly the nature and procedures without misleading wording or images

Practicing only in calm and neat places that honors the traditions I learnt

Seeing if there is genuine consent from the person for the application of the techniques

Unless the service consists in coaching & consulting, for pure body techniques I will keep silent during care and after-care to avoid any interruption of the mental process that the person go through

Avoiding & stopping any conversation that relates to insider information of any kind

Respecting hygiene norms like HACCP (training and certification CCI de Paris), as well as for tools, materials and for myself

Concerning interpersonal or psychological remarks, they will only come in a coaching context and with huge caution not to trigger counterproductive defense reactions, not to harm the person in her self / his Self

Being aware of the trauma / violence impacts and post traumatic symptoms not to reactivate, but to soothe them

Constantly checking on the acceptability for the person & getting feedback to follow her or his will, to know what techniques helped him/her best or least

A questioning attitude : keeping a 360° and curious attitude towards any solution that helped or could help the customers

If I am not able to solve someone's problem, I will recognise this fact, let him or her know, and maybe introduce him or her to someone who can

Respecting GDPR by, not recording on any support nor receiving any data from patient, work takes place in a 100% "on T-Time manner"

Being accountable for one's self-resilience : not working on the days my condition is not good enough to really support the persons I meet - accountability for my own resilience - respecting my cycles