You can visit our partner Clinic in Chennai, India

You can read the major ancient texts of Ayurveda in English :


Consultante auto-formée sur la Dissociation Traumatique et les Traumas Complexes, Coach en Résilience par l'Ayurveda, Soutien Moral et Soins pour les Thérapeutes en Ayurveda et Trauma, Praticienne en Ayurveda, Psychopraticienne, Praticienne en massage thaï & indiens.

2A Allée Paul Valéry 21000 DIJON et 42 avenue Mozart 75016 Paris

07 81 77 91 29

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Excellent videos to get acquainted with ayurveda :

This will interest you!

Want to start an Ayurveda session or propose a loved one to start ?

I see clients via FaceTime,, Skype, WhatsApp.

I give visioconferences on life hygiene with Ayurveda

I charge 30€ per half hour and we can have sessions of 1 or 1h30.

Appointement is granted upon payment.

Good luck channeling your energy !