In the 16th care

AT SALON near La Muette

Sarvangha Abhyanga Ritual - 1 hour 180€

An hour of traditional Indian massage with two practitionners in parallel i.e. symetrical (two sided) massage with two masseuses.

With warm sesame oil excellent for the skin, soothing for VATA (air element).

This special Abhyanga technique is really soothing for trauma. In case of trauma we only massage outwards and we used special medicated oils to calm Vata.

AT HOME in the 16th only

We can provide all the care explained HERE except the shirodhara with oil and the Thai herbal which require to have special systems.


AT HOTEL provided you find five (5) other patients

It is between 11am at 4pm.

Rebalancing Special Package - 55 minutes 100€

Massage of the skull, neck and shoulders 15 minutes / dry shirodhara treatment 10 minutes (it is the soothing treatment on the forehead but without oil) / dressed Thai massage 30 minutes.

We adapt the Thai massage according to any pain.

You need jeans or jogging trousers and a wool sweater.

Ayurveda Lifestyle coaching for couples

We can coach both of you to better integrate Ayurveda as a family routine.

Let us meet either at your place in the 16th or in a La Muette bar for half an hour explanation.

Then the coaching can take place online (visioconference).

I am a Resilience Coach through Ayurveda and Thai treatments. I have the status of auto entrepreneur with the NAF Body Care code and of course adequate insurance.

I work on the management of trauma on the basis of current knowledge, as well as on the prevention of burnouts.