Who I Am

Pourquoi Thibierge & Companies. ?

Parce que nos services sont abordables, progressifs et sans jargon.

Nous nous adaptons à vos enjeux, et sommes réactifs pour coller à vos jalons.

Who I am

I am a Coach in Resilience through Ayurveda and Consultant in Leadership and Entrepreneurship in cybersecurity.

I have been cybersecurity coordinator for almost 4 years, then cybersecurity project manager for almost 4 years.

Now leading Thibierge & Companies. since 2020 I accomplish cyber governance missions whether as a part-time CISO or transition CISO.

I belong to Club EBIOS (Information Risk management Club), OSSIR, ARCSI, CyberEdu and WiCys.

I experienced the resilience challenges of players in this area.

View my resume here : https://www.murielle-thibierge.com/gb

I am an Independant Consultant in Cybersecurity Leadership & Entrepreneurship, and a Coach in Resilience with Ayurveda.

"I want to build an exceptional culture of high performance that takes into account our human nature.

I consider that nowadays the risks of digital activities on our physiology & our mental sphere are absolutely ignored*. * view my video on this account HERE

The EBIOS cybersecurity risks analysis method inspired me to think about Ayurveda as a security measure to help my cybersecurity fellows whom face these silent risks.

I consistently propose the Ayurvedic measures to minimize risks over humans within digitalising & cybersecurity activities.

I position my interventions upstream of individual or collective unbalances (in a preventive way) as well as downstream : in remediation.

My goal is to introduce sustainability & resilience in your digital & cyber lives, in your workplaces and at influential levels.

The work is best done on a one-to-one basis, and with regular follow-up visioconferences.

This bottom-up approach results in Highly Reliable People, hence Highly Reliable Organisations.

I split my time between visio-conferencing for Businesses & Individuals, the Ayurveda Cabinet and 'on site' for interventions at your office."

I work from Paris & Dijon

I started to learn about Asian Health Techniques at Wat Po Temple during three intensive months in Bankgok in 2005.

Then I was introduced to Ayurveda in India in 2009, which helped me prevent burnouts twice (in 2013 & 2015).

My mission is to share the best treatments I discovered for Startupers and Leaders in cybersecurity as they have tremendous energy stretches to deal with repeatedly.

The people I coach acquire deep rooted Resilience capabilities.

They are able to refuel their energy in a shorter period of time than others.

My goal is your Resilience & Longevity.

French nationality, fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese

INHESJ National Institute of High Studies of Security and Justice (2015-2016)

Travel & Living in : Brazil, Thailand, India, Japan, Niger, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, UK, USA

In IT & cybersecurity since 2012

Club EBIOS, since 2017

EM-Lyon Management School, Lyon, France 1998-2002

Ayurveda learning expeditions in 2009, 2013, 2015, New-Delhi, Mysore, Bangalore, Aloa, India

My diplomas from Aurélie CROS-WICKRAMA : Shirodhara and ShiroAbhyanga. 7 hours.

From A&C Trainings 196 hours : Ayurvedic physiology (doshas & sub-doshas), Evaluation of unbalances according to Ayurveda, Establishing ayurvedic profile & balancing agravated doshas, Spices properties to balance doshas, Traditional ayurvedic plants to balance doshas, Food impacts on doshas & using to food to balance doshas, Ayurvedic cooking, Doshas treatment & Dinacharya, Ayurvedic massage, Complete ayurveda massage protocol.

Attended 2019 seminar from Denis MUKWEGE Chair on Women Resilience (Medical care, Psychological care, Socio-economic reintegration, Legal support)

Attended 2019 seminar from Satyam Ayurveda Association on Women Health with Ayurveda

Wat Po Thai Traditional Medical School

Diplomas from Wat Po temple : massage for women, therapeutic massage, thaï foot massage, thaï traditional body massage, essential oils body massage, thaï herbal massage. 3 full intense months. 126 hours training.