Student Services

Student Services & The Transition to High School

Guidance and Counselling is an integral part of the total educational process and is committed to the personal/social/emotional/spiritual and career/education development of students. School counselors are liaisons between staff, parents, feeder schools, district referrals and programs, AIFY personnel, external professionals and agencies, and post-secondary institutions.

Guidance and counselling services are intended to be proactive and responsive in fostering, maintaining and enhancing well-being, personal, and social growth, spiritual development, self-advocacy, accountability, and communication skills, and students' pursuit of educational goals. Appropriate course selections and scheduling, career-exploration, post-secondary and scholarship information and applications are part of the counselors' role.

Individual and group counselling are available.Counselors work hard to establish an environment that is safe and in the best interest of each student guided by the professional protocol of confidentiality. An ongoing commitment is to foster effective relationships through the promotion of various activities in the school community that supports and encourages diversity and inclusion.

Your counselors:

Amber Capstick - Grade 10: 403-500-2091 ext 2237

Vicky Smith - CT and Grade 11: 403-500-2091 ext 2238

Lori Devlin - Grade 12 : 403-500-2091 ext 2239

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