Sustained Investigation #15

Pencil Sharpener.

So for this piece, I wanted to use an old flower pot I found so I made an entirely new character from the idea. She is a half-plant person that is secretly a nepenthes plant (A.K.A a fly trap plant). I wanted to portray this seemingly cute plant girl with the front being really innocent looking and the back being a horrifying and bloody mess to represent that she isn't all she seems at first. Her name is Pencil Sharpener because I thought it was funny and made her favourite snack wood shavings. I wanted to wrap up this year of Sustained Investigations with one that was easier than the last one I did, so I made this simpler than the rest. I found some real moss at a crafts store and thought it was perfect as a cover-up to make it seem as if she was emerging from the ground. I added colourful beads because I imagined she would enjoy bright and shiny things in her flower pot. The materials I used were sculpey, beads, moss, acrylic paint and teeth beads for the opening mouth. Also, the flower girl herself is just a puppet for the mouth part, like a plant version of a siren.

Also I was dumped halfway through making this, and now that this piece has won a national award, thanks Vera for the "help" of making this with tears streaming down my face. I guess it adds extra spice to this flaming cocktail. 

Making the Elements.

Starting on the Body.

Adding More to the Character. 

Making Extra Parts. 


More Painting.