2D Design

My journey throughout this whole time has been one of success and failure where I have learned to find myself along the way. A lot of my mistakes were made when I didn't really know where I wanted to go with my style, ending in a lot of disappointment and self-worth battles. I really struggled when it came to things like deadlines and knew I couldn't keep up a lot of the time due to other schoolwork I had to do. It wasn't enjoyable for me in the past and I generally dreaded another deadline. Then it all changed when I made the character Keldus and started using him more and more in my drawings, I made a whole world for him and played around with characters to make this fiction for him. That's when I started to love drawing more and my ideas were seen as great by my classmates. So at the end of it all, I can finally feel proud of my work and hope to expand my craft a little bit more.