ADV Art and Design

This was certainly a journey of trial and tribulation, as I experimented with new materials and methods of how I wanted my pieces to look, I also got a new sense of time management. Before, I would rush my work which would always result in me not feeling like I was doing my best for every small detail. Then again, before I didn't take medication that would give me to the motivation to work on it over the course of a longer time. For my main goal of Sustained Investigations, I wanted to recreate the sculptures that I was not proud of so I could given these beloved characters a second chance. I created new designs based off historical fashion for the more recent ones because at the time I was just getting into history and wanted to include what I was into at the time into my designs. As an example, my last sculpture I did was based on Russian cavalry armour because he's a solider and in the world they're from, the location is based on Russia. It's also other things like the Lilith sculpture being based on the 1910s Edwardian era women's fashion, especially the hat. 

I've never been proud of my 2D Designs, there's something about the flatness of drawings that I can never seem to get right but with clay I am work it to how I like. It's the simple art of taking a ball of material and making anything I can imagine with it, then using colors and various paints to make the creation pop even more to the eye. It does take a lot of work and the creations can burn, but in the end i have the final product I've always dreamed of. I feel I finally did my sculptures justice and even the last sculpture i did I recreated three times before I got it right and with the final product I really wanted.  I can now confidently call myself a sculptor, since I see clay as my passion now and hope to work with it in the future to create even more wild and goofy sculptures. 

After a lot of self reflection about where I want to go with my passion in sculpting or art in general, its become a choice of mine that I don't want to make it career. I know, aet school would be nice and help add to my passion for it, but in the end all it will become is work and not something that I can use to escape reality. I like displaying my art in museums and competitions but I also know that I can advance even without those kinds of things, the compliments I get from people about my work is amazing and even if they don't say it directly to me its still amazing to watch people observe my art and make comments out loud to each other. Except for old ladies who ignore the "do not touch" signs right in their field of vision. But, I'm still glad they enjoyed how it looked. What I'm getting at is that I've crushed my own dream of becoming an artist as a career because I don't see myself being happy in that line of work. Art should not be work, it should be passion, at the end of the day you can't force your ideas.