LAB Lockdown News 2

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,

It is always amazing to see the range of work being produced by students when they are away from the academy. The creative approach to some of the tasks set, and the team spirit evidenced by all members of the family group getting involved is fantastic. We highly commend all of you on your various contributions and achievements: well done!

As you know, LAB Lockdown News was created as a way of sharing and celebrating the great work being produced by students whilst working remotely. Teachers share the learning focus for each year group in each curriculum area to provide parents and carers with an overview as they support their child working remotely. There are also links to sources for related learning or support material which can be used alongside the curriculum sites which all students have access to. We hope you find it helpful but, as always, if you would like further information, do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s college teams for further information.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support of the academy, but most specifically, for the support you are giving to your child whilst they work remotely. It would be impossible to make this work without you. I would also like to highlight the hard work and commitment being shown by the LAB team to provide high quality learning opportunities and pastoral support to all our students during these challenging times. Amongst our staff, we have individuals who are shielding family members, home schooling whilst working, teaching online whilst supporting children in the key worker and vulnerable student provision, and recovering from the virus themselves - all as they manage the challenges of being in a third national lockdown. We are proud of every single member of our community - students, parents and carers, and staff - for showing such resilience during this challenging time; together, we are making this work and will continue to do so until school buildings reopen and we are able to welcome back the entire LAB student body.

Best wishes

E Smith