Access Tips for Non-Traditional or Remote Instruction

As the precautionary measures against COVID-19 have taken over our traditional way of living and learning, we must all adapt to new methods for delivering effective instruction.  In this expedited transition to non-traditional learning through paper packets and a variety of online methods, the challenge to adequately and legally meet the educational access needs of our students with disabilities has become a matter of priority and not just convenience.  

There are an immeasurable number of technological resources that are now available and beneficial for providing online instruction.  However, if the method does not provide equal access to all of your learners then the instructor would be denying a free, appropriate education.  This would mean that any methods of instruction that would not be accessible to all of your students, would not be the right method or tool of instruction unless alternate tools will ensure accessibility. The information provided here is an attempt to highlight strategies to ensure accessibility for students with hearing loss.

**NOTE: If instruction is being provided online, it must be accessible to all student of the class.  For example, if a teacher is teaching using an online platform such as Zoom to meet with or teach students and a student in the class normally has an interpreter to access instruction through American Sign Language (ASL), then an interpreter must be provided for the online experience.  

Make it Visual!!  

For individuals with hearing loss, visual access is key.  Whether a student is deaf, relying on visual communication, or has limited hearing, and is afforded equal access through visual aids, the ability to access information visually  is the primary idea that should drive your online teaching plans.

Live, Trained Captioning

Computer Captioning

Device Based Captioning Software

Avoid or Increase Time Limits  

Deaf and hard of hearing students often required additional time to complete tasks, especially if the task is timed.  These students often need to take additional steps to access and gather information.  Needing additional processing time is also warranted.

Consider Alternative Completion Requirements

This is specific to the needs of each individual, but especially for written assignments, written assignments can sometimes be a barrier to individuals whose primary language is something other than English.  Consider alternative presentations options such as an "oral" presentation, where the student would sign and an interpreter would voice their presentation.

Resources Specific to Students with Hearing Loss

Teaching Remotely to DHH Students  to assist in continuing/developing asl skills and/or vocabulary.  Also to assist families in signing with deaf children/family.  

SignOn with ASDC - Practice learning ASL with Deaf adults for free - American Society for Deaf Children

Aunt Alice's ASL TV (YouTube)

Other Resources

Printable At-Home Activity Packs

Khan Academy - a free resource for students, teachers, and parents.

LIST OF EDUCATION COMPANIES OFFERING FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS DUE TO SCHOOL CLOSINGS Watch, listen, and play games to learn all about amazing animals. Play games while practicing math and reading skills. Learn all about geography and fascinating animals! Hang out with your favorite characters all while learning. Practice your phonics skills with these read-along stories! Read, play games, and hang out with Dr. Seuss and his friends! Have some of your favorite stories read to you by movie stars! Practice math and reading skills all while playing fun games! Read, play games, and conduct cool science experiments!

Free Virtual Learning Resources Center - 20 days of free lesson plans for PreK-9 

 Free Virtual Tours of 12 Famous Museums across the world. 





Resources for Parents

Copy of Education Companies Offering Free Subscriptions due to School Closings 

45 activities to do with your family during the time off from school

KCDHH offers free iPads or iPhones (for communication access) to children with a hearing loss age 13 and older