Early Intervention Providers

the center the statewide educational resource center on deafness

The Statewide Educational Resource Center on Deafness and Hard of Hearing (the Center) will be distributing an online informational blast several times a year to give updated information Early Childhood providers need to have in their toolbox of resources to share with families.

Modules Overview Module 1: Early Identification Module 2: The Ear and Testing Module 3: Hearing Aids Module 4: Language Learning Through Sign Module 5: Cochlear Implants Module 6: Communication and Language in the Home Module 7: Family Supports

Setting Language in Motion

This activity guide is designed to support early intervention professionals in using Setting Language in Motion with families. It provides, a series of activities to enhance family learning using the information provided in the Overview and 7 modules. Practical ideas and insights associated with specific sections of each module are detailed.  Click here to go to the website.