Request Support Services

KSD Outreach Support Services

Supports are available to districts and families of Kentucky students with all levels of hearing loss. The following list describes most of the supports that the KSD Outreach team is able to provide.

      • Communication/ Language Needs Assessment & Resource

      • Regular Consultation with teachers who have students with a hearing loss

      • Professional Development for Teachers

      • Program Development

      • Expanded Core Curriculum for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

      • Parent Education on issues related to hearing loss

      • Behavior Observations

      • Functional Listening Assessment for students

      • Acoustic Evaluation for a variety of school environments

      • Assistive Technology Resources

      • FM/DM System Assistance/Troubleshooting

      • Attend ARC Meetings

      • Assistance with IEP goals

      • Research and Information on new trends and technology

      • Transition planning and assistance

      • Personal Future Planning

      • Hearing Aids/Cochlear Implants

      • Enhanced Learning Opportunities through Regional Student Events

      • Auditory Training/Listening Skills Resources

      • Specialized Materials for Loan

      • Mentoring for Interpreters

      • Techniques/Accommodations for Students who are Oral and do not use sign language

      • Sign Language Instruction

      • Self-Advocacy training for students

      • Personnel Recruitment

KSD Outreach Teacher Mentoring

KSD Outreach consultants are available to support teachers of the Deaf and hard of hearing in new skill development and ongoing growth through our Teacher Mentoring Program. This mentorship support can assist teachers as they learn to navigate and understand the special education process (ARC meetings, Eligibility, RTI, Individual Education Programs) as well as the following:

  • Assessment Tools

  • Caseload Management

  • Classroom Management (behavior and curriculum modification)

  • Data Collection & Analysis

  • Instructional Resources & Demonstration

Mentoring is available to certified teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing for up to one academic year. Requests may be made by the teacher or an administrator using the KSDO Request for Services Form. Support will be scheduled as mutually agreed upon or requested by the district administrator and may be provided both in-person and remotely.

KSD Outreach consultants/staff are considered employees of the state educational agency (KDE) and are covered under the FERPA exemption contained in 34 C.F.R. Part 99.31. Therefore, parental consent is not necessary for the consultant to review records, evaluate a student's program, and/or provide technical support.

Use These Forms to Request Support Services