Student Academic Supports

What are Academic Supports? 

Programs and/or strategies that are used by schools to increase the academic achievement of students, particularly for students who may be at risk of diminished academic achievement. At Fairmont, a wide variety of strategies have been developed to provide extra support to students.

Successful academic support is also positively associated with social-emotional skills such as creativity, resiliency, and problem-solving, which in turn increase success in school and life.

The following are ways that we can support your academics:

Study Techniques

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Final Exam Study Tips

Here's a set of useful steps:

Gather information

Gather all of your notes, handouts, texts, assignments, and tests for each subject and sort them into chronological order so they will be easy to find again. Check your gathered material against the syllabus. Do you have all of the important information? Are you missing notes for any lectures? Do you have all of the assignments and tests back that you should? Will the final exam cover the entire semester's material? This is the first step in planning your study time.

Assess your progress

Do you know your approximate grade in each subject? If not, speak with the teacher as soon as possible. You have to be clear about your progress in order to set realistic goals. Your teacher can also suggest tools for improvement, including alternative approaches to the material and possibly additional instruction or tutoring. Don't be afraid to ask: your teacher wants you to succeed by mastering the subject.

Are you having difficulty with just one subject? Again, have a conversation with your teacher right away. Ask them whether you can still pass the subject.

If you still have a chance of passing, ask what grade you need to achieve on the final exam to pass the subject. Ask for help in studying for the final.

If your performance in the subject is borderline, the instructor will likely encourage you to keep working and make this subject a high priority during the final exam period.

Organize your time

Ideally, you would start this process at least three weeks before exams begin, but you can easily adapt the following techniques to a shorter period.

Use a planner or calendar to chart each week remaining before your exams.

Date each sheet or entry, and fill in your time commitments between now and your last exam. Include assignment due dates, testing dates, and final exam dates; and other appointments like review sessions or study groups.

Planning ahead is the key to performing well and reducing exam stress.

Use Your Study Time Productively