Now that you are an expert, create a presentation or Canva poster that makes the 'Laws of Motion' easier to understand.

Go into Epic and Read these books.   Start Yourself a Jamboard for the purpose of making notes on the topic that may help you when you are building and launching your rockets.

Search through Epic for other Resources on Rockets.  Take notes and screenshots.  You are looking for information on:

Read through these sites and again collect links, screenshots and notes on your Jamboard of resources.

The possibility of a parachute is a cunning idea to safely get your rocket safely back to the ground.

Look for ideas on creating a parachute for your rocket.  

Look at the bottom half of this site.

Down near the bottom of the page.

Extension Material:  This printout has some really useful information but you will have to skim and scan for it.  Copy, screenshot or save useful info to your Jamboard. 

Water rocket resource 5.pdf

Search the internet:  Find resources that will help others:  For the best resources you will be rewarded.
