
               1. Read this story over two days.                                                                                                                     Put any hard words or terminology in the Jamboard.

Olden Days-SJ L3 Nov 2014.pdf

Read the article below, again adding any difficult words to the Jamboard above.      After you have finished make a Jamboard of your own.  List the reasons why you think Aliens might be true or not.   You might like to put  Yes on one side, no on the other.      Then use your Jamboard notes to make a screencastify, 'Documentary' on Aliens where you treat the camera like it is another person and talk about why you think Aliens are real or not.   Don't just list down one or two reasons but lots.    Search online for other reasons to support your argument.

Read this,  Story. "How to Fix your spaceship."   When you are finished, do a short Google form questionaire of 5 questions on this story plus ten questions on any of the other articles you have read.  Put the link on the google sheets link to the right of the story. Make your questions,  multiple choice.

Put your name and links in here for other people to try.

DO NOT DO THIS TILL LAST:    Use. Sculpt GL to make an alien then write a short story about your alien putting it's picture on your story. (Ebook style.)

EITHER OR TASK:           Either.               Google 2 other articles on Aliens and write a short report on them.

                                                      Or.                    Write a short  Ebook story on an Alien in your (Toilet/lounge/chookhouse/create your own.)