The Olympics

Start Your Day by reading about the latest from the games.  Spend about ten minutes on this task.  Check the clock first for your start time.

These are some famous New Zealand athletes who have tasted sucess over the years.  Look through the list and pick 3.  You will create an Olympics VNB and do a one page project on each one.  Don't forget to include pictures and the most important notes from the PDF and the internet.  Remember to display your work well,  include only the most important info.  You may like to have a 'key' that you repeat for all of your athletes.  like a Gold circle  with a number in it to show how many gold medals they got.  

Write a letter to your favourite competing athlete.  Also find out when they are competing and when to watch them.  See if you can actually send your letter to the athlete.

Try these activities and write about them on one of your Slides when you have finished all other tasks.

What Sport Suits you?                                               Make a Stadium                                              

Use the Chariots of Fire theme to make a slow motion Running Video of you and 3 people you have not worked with before. 

BLOG ABOUT YOUR WORK,  INCLUDING The Slides you did about your athletes.