
Makes meaning of increasingly complex texts by identifying main and subsidiary ideas in them;

Uses an increasing vocabulary to make meaning;

Looking at complicated text and figuring out what the hard bits mean.  Understanding new hard words and using them in sentences.

As you read through the story list down the 10 most important 'difficult to understand words.'   (Terminology).   Use Google to find the most simple and easy to understand meaning and turn this into a Canva "TERMINOLOGY OF TERBULENCE" POSTER.   Make sure to reference the story.

MAKE it colourful and cool as this will go on our wall.

Turbulence-SJ L3 Nov2016.pdf

READ & NOTE:   Read through the "How Do Planes Fly?"  Story.  Don't take notes this time.  But at the end of the story choose one of the following methods to collect your thoughts:

1:   You can just open your Reading VNB and write down a couple,  (More than one),  of paragraphs on how planes fly in your own words.

2:  Use Screencastify to list down as many ideas about how planes fly as you can.

3:   Do both above.

THEN:  Look at the more complicated story on "How planes work."   This may take you a couple of days.   For this story,  on your VNB,  make notes as you read.  Only list down new things you are learning and not things you already know.

Read through this site and make Jamboard notes from it.

Google Time,   Use Google to Search for the worlds best paper planes.   List down on your VNB. the terms you will use in your search.

"Good Paper planes"

"Best Dart"
