
Summarising - I am learning to put what I have learnt into a short summary for someone else to gain knowledge from. 

Find your own Story on the Tree Octopus -

1.                 Scaffolding TEXT:  Read the Suckers Story - Add any words you don't know to the  Jamboard.      Don't put words there that might be hard, just words you really don't know.       CLICK BELOW TO GET THE JAMBOARD

3:  Complimentary Text.                                             Scan and Skim,  is there any new info here ?                       

 Use Google Draw /Canva /Slides to make a quick,  Simple  Poster by combining the most important information from these two posters into one.

Create a Blog - Include your own homemade poster from above.     Use the Tempate to help you.  100% Error free.  Get it checked before you post.

Success Criteria -  Did I manage these things?

Extra for experts.  If you have finished all your work from above here.   

Create a real Webpage.