Novel Study

Literacy circles:

You will start these activities from this week. 

Red Group:  Choose a Novel from the Corner by the Sink,  The Purple top books would be good. 

                       Amber & Carter you can also continue to listen and read on Epic but make sure you have your headphones.


Purple Group:  You Should have started or be up to chapter 4 or 5 on "Wings High Gooftah."  If not you can start using this version and the other group that has been using it will give you the books when finished.  CLICK HERE FOR DIGITAL COPY


Orange:  Mrs King will help you Choose a Book.  There are some in the corner by the Sink.  Choose appropriately.


Green: Your Books Should be under the TV.  If there are not enough Share one between two or choose another.


Remember for most of these you may be able to do them on your VNB with the Date and topic.  If it is a draw a picture one do it on paper, then screen shot for a posible Blog entry.

You will Start with any four of these tasks.

Complete a line or house.