5 - Class Settings


Seesaw allows you to vary certain settings for students, such as whether students can see each others’ posts, and whether or not you as a teacher must approve their posts. Learn more about these settings and how to access them here!

Understanding Student Settings - Screencast


  1. When logged in to a class as a teacher, click the wrench in the top right corner.

  2. Scroll down to the section of the menu labeled “STUDENTS”.

  3. Adjust the settings listed to your liking:

    • Student Sign in Mode: Changes the sign in method between Class Code - Shared Devices, Class Code - 1:1 Devices, and Google Sign In. The best method will vary depending upon your setting, but for at home learning should be either Class Code - 1:1 Devices or Google Sign In.

    • Manage Students: Allows you to edit student names, contact information, and picture.

    • Home Learning Student Codes: Allows you to download and print learning codes to send to students at home.

    • Student Likes and Comments: Allows you to adjust your student’s ability to like and comment on posts.

    • Students Can See Each Other’s Work: Allows you to adjust the privacy of student work within the class.
      ACPS has overridden this setting to be OFF for all students during the extended closure, in order to protect student privacy when working from home.

    • New Items Require Approval: When turned on, student work and journals will not be visible until the teacher approves them. It is recommended to leave this setting turned on.

    • Enable Item Editing: Leaving this on allows students to edit their work after it has been submitted.

    • Enable Sample Student: Each class builds in a “sample student” upon creation. Turn this off to remove the sample student.

Additional Resources:

Home Learning Codes.webm

Home Learning Codes

Remember that, during the extended closure, students will access the Seesaw Class App from home using Home Learning Codes (see Tutorial 2 - Login & Navigation). Home Learning Codes ensure that students cannot see each other's work, which will override the "Students can see each other's work" setting. Learn more about Home Learning Codes in the video to the left.