Academic & Career Planning

The Sioux Falls School District has developed these steps to help you determine what academic and career plans you will choose as you begin high school and transition to postsecondary education, training, or the world of work.

  • A career interest inventory was given to you in 8th grade. You will take another career interest inventory and an ability assessment in 10th grade.
  • Your high school counselor and English teachers will provide academic and career planning activities during your English I, English II, and English III classes.
  • Contact your counselors for information about articulation agreements between all four State Technical School programs, and Sioux Falls School District high school courses.
  • This high school course information book has an academic and career planning section for you and your parents/guardians to review. This section recommends that you:

1. Consider your abilities, skills, and values as you select high school courses that will lead toward a career.

2. Explore information at Your school counselor can help you get started with this.

3. Complete the interest quiz on pages 5-12 which asks:

Who are you? Where are you going? What elective courses should you take?

4. Create a personal learning plan for yourself. The class of 2015 and beyond are required to have a Personal Learning Plan to graduate.