Everly Smith

The City

Hi my name is Rio and I am an exotic bird. I live a pretty good life. But one day I heard this noise and it sounded like machines. I was curious so I went to go see what was happening. I couldn’t believe what was happening! THE TREES WERE BEING CUT DOWN! AHHHHHHHH! I headed back home and I told Mama and Papa bird. They didn’t believe me but once they saw what was happening, they felt sorry for not believing me. We reported the problem to the bird council. They sent their top birds to go scope out the area. After a few weeks had gone by, we stopped hearing the noise. We decided to go see what had happened and why the noise had stopped. OMG. All the trees were GONE! I cried that night half of our home was ruined :( But my parents told me not to worry because we will make the best of it. They were right!

A few years later we had the lushest and most greenest forest ever. I guess my parents were right. I couldn’t wait to go fly in the new trees and take naps on the branches.


Winter the Snowflake

It was a nice freezing cold day and it was the first day of school for Winter. Winter was in 2nd grade and she was 7, her teacher was Mrs. Carol. She was in class with her best friend Crystal. They have known each other since they were in their mom’s cloud. Winter had a little brother and his name was Blaze. He was only in Kindergarten and 5. Winter was in Science class when her principal made an announcement.

“This is an order, head straight home right now!” he yelled.

He said this because apparently, this mean guy decided to come too close to the school. We don’t know much about him, all we know is that he was dressed all in yellow and his name was the Sun. Weird right? Like I said earlier we had to go home immediately. When I got home mom was going crazy, she was all over me and Blaze. Later that night, mom got the call that they caught Sun, and that we could return to school tomorrow. I was so excited. What a first day don’t you think? That’s all for now!

The End!


Once upon a time… Long ago there was a little sea turtle named Shelly, she was a sweet little girl. She loved exploring the coral reef. She had 5 other siblings 3 girls 2 boys. Their names were (girls) Pokey, Pearl, and Oceana. The boys Fred and Bob. They were all born in different parts of the ocean. They went to school 5 shelly days of the ocean week. They were in 3rd grade they had an amazing teacher. Her name was Mrs. Seahorse she was the best! Shelly’s best friend was named Lily they were the two most popular sea turtles in ocean school. They did everything together and they had a blast doing it. Every since they were little they were there for each other, and they promised to each other to do that for the rest of their lifes.


Why Nature is Important

By: Everly Smith



Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. —Albert Einstein Now while you read this argument I want you to focus on why nature is important. Why? Because it provides us with supplies we need to live, it helps inspire artists, and it helps with health in many ways.

Provides us with supplies

Nature provides us with supplies because we use natural resources to make food, fuel and raw materials for the production of goods. All of the food that people eat comes from plants or animals. Some of the natural resources that you might use everyday are coal, natural gas and oil to provide heat, light, and power. Everything humans have needed to survive, and thrive, was provided by the natural world around us. Some examples are food, water, medicine, materials for shelter, and even natural cycles such as climate and nutrients.

Inspires Artist

Artists love nature because the mediums that artists use to inspire and create their pieces are from nature. Wood, charcoal, graphite, clay, mixed pigments, and water. Some artists create their pieces of art fully made out of materials from nature. The way the cave dwellers created paint to document and draw on their walls is in essence the same exact process that we use today. Artists don’t just use nature as an inspiration but for art and materials.

Helps with Health

In a way nature can be medicine because when the volunteers were looking at urban scenes, their brains showed more blood flow in the amygdala, which processes fear and anxiety. In contrast, the natural scenes lit up the anterior cingulate and the insula—areas associated with empathy and altruism. Maybe nature makes us nicer as well as calmer. They argue that it’s the visual elements in natural environments—sunsets, streams, butterflies—that reduce stress and mental fatigue. A few years ago, for example, in an experiment similar to Bratman’s, Stephen Kaplan and his colleagues found that a 50-minute walk in an arboretum improved executive attention skills, such as short-term memory, while walking along a city street did not. Some doctors even give their patients prescriptions that say they need to go outside and enjoy nature.


Even if you don’t like nature, there are many things about it that you should be thankful for. So maybe you should reconsider your thoughts and opinions about nature .

My life as a Tree

By: Everly

When the sun rises, there’s a new dawn

As I stretch my long arms

Just like the branches on a tree

My hair swings, like leaves

I suck water through a straw

As a tree would do through roots

As we wait for someone who needs us

The tree watches the radiate sunbeams

While I watch the bright beams from a tv

When the day comes to an end we both shut our eyes

We will do it all again soon

But till then, goodnight to you and the moon

Carpe Diem Poem

By: Everly Smith

Nature doesn’t stay gold,

In the end, it will turn old,

So capture every minute you have,

Remember that you can always look back,

But it will never be the same,

Sometimes it might go up in flames

So, go outside and seize the day,

But remember nothing gold can stay