Lukas Simons

The Lake Cave

One day while I was driving down the same road I had driven for years the road stopped so I slammed on the breaks, got out of my car, and was suddenly looking at the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. There was a massive hole in the road about twenty meters wide and underneath was a massive hidden cave lake with sunlight streaming through. It was a turqoise color with yellow fish swimming around. On the side facing to the right there was a big wall making the lake impossible to see from below. On the other side was a massive tunnel to far to see the end. Suddenly the ground beneath me started to shake and I fell down a slide of gravel into the water that was about 5 feet deep. It was completely clear in the water and I could now see down the tunnel much better. I started walking through the tunnel and when I got to the end I was in a large space filled with gems coming protruding from the wall. The room was a box shape and all I could was green, red, blue, clear, and even yellow sparkles. I thought to myself "I am rich!" as I pulled out my phone to call the police because even though I found the gems the fall still from the cliff had hurt bad and my entire left side was bruised and scraped. Then I had a peaceful thought. "this is gonna be my happy place".