Cal Miller

An introduction

A current 8th grader at Manning (Albeit having less than a month left of school) who has a deep interest in the occult, as well as spooky horror movies and illustrations. He is very interested in writing, especially in poetry and short story style, and composes music for fun; usually silly songs that contrast his creepy writing style. He is best represented by a plastic lawn Flamingo.



I am within the grasp of all I can see and

Waiting for something to pool and mirror out of spite

Or something to keep me from

Doubling over and yowling in agony

Opening up the floodgates wide

Through the cracks, revealing what’s inside

Peering through someone else’s eyes

I stumble, disoriented by my faceless mask

Though my feet lodge into the sand, like fleshy spades

Becoming tongue-tied though my words trail and snake

Slowly I am crucified

Alone, I wait for the moon to block me out

For I am a servant to the skies and to the earth, a slave

Just as I rehearsed, to my planted feet I shout

And silently plot my escape.

The Fall

Skies in blue and white

Soaring over lifeless worlds

Unchanged desert sands

Quiet peace arises

Goose feathers falling from clouds

Lull you off to sleep

Atlas Moth

Cal's favorite insect is an Atlas Moth, a massive moth with an average wingspan of 9.8+ inches. They also do not eat, and have no mouths. They only live 1-2 weeks after emerging from their cocoons.