Paloma Masching

Owls and Sharks

Owls and sharks


Swift and silent

Swooping, diving, flying,

Ominous and golden … graceful, ever-moving

majestic, beautiful, unique

Calm, gentle


The humming bird

There once was a bird named Jewel, and she was a hummingbird. When she was not looking for nectar, she was watching the forest, which was one of her favorite things to do. She would watch the foxes scampering through the trees, and the wolves running in packs. She would watch the bears fishing for salmon in the forest stream. She watched the rabbits hop and run along the forest floor. The raccoon liked to play and run all day. The deer would try to see how fast they could run, and the other birds sang out their heartfelt song. She was a tweety, zoomy all-around crazy hummingbird.

How Owls Came To Be

How the owls, quiet as a ghost were created

Sculpted by the careful hands of Mother Nature herself.

How the birds fly through the night as unseen as air, but always forever there.

They fly through the sky as smoothly as a breath of wind.

Then, they will use their all-seeing eyes to scope out a tree to land on.

There, he will watch for an unsuspecting mouse

Who does not know what his fate will be.

The all-knowing satinette will patiently gaze around,

Waiting for one small movement to trigger him to fly.

Then, there!

He dives off the tree,

and with one single movement, he catches the animal and swallows it whole.

Later, the Owl will regurgitate the bones of the creature that is no more.

He will return back to his nest, where the little ones await,

Their tiny mouths open, waiting to be fed.

And in flies the mother, and with a swoosh, she lands next to her mate.

Once the meal has been presented and gobbled down with greed,

The family huddles together, and prepares to go to sleep.

Nature haiku

The ocean whispers

Hush hush hush shhh she speaks now

Hush, now hush now hush.

Carpe Diem poem

When the day goes to night,

when the last birds take flight,

When the darkness overtakes you,

it feels like you will never wake up from this nightmare.

So while it lasts,

before the present is past,

enjoy every day you have.

Make the most of your day,

since nothing can stay,

be the light in the dark.

Be the match before the spark,

be the lamp that the world needs.

so live every day for the best that it can be,

and stay gold.