Science News from Mr. K

The 8th graders completed construction and testing of prototype drifters to measure the currents surrounding Jamestown. We worked with the Conanicut Island Sailing Foundation with Tucker Silvia as a guest scientist to provide background information and assistance in design. The students will now share the project and designs with sixth grade students and the sixth graders will share their Sea Perch designs with the eighth graders.

8th graders just finished the coffee cup challenge where they designed and built devices to keep Mr. K's tea hot longer than a conventional coffee cup. Max Petrillo's cup only lost 10 degrees Celsius over a 30 minute period. They will now be moving to building hot air balloons which have an anticipated launch at the end of the month or first week in April.

7th grade students went on a trip to the RI School of Design and the Nature Lab to gather information and make observations to create a piece of art that addresses one of 5 prompts that look to exemplify how art depicts nature, conveys messages and themes throughout history, and how nature inspires invention. The art pieces were displayed Thursday morning (3/21) in science, english language arts, and history rooms, where students rated each one to determine the "Best in Show".

The Science Olympiad team will compete at Rhode Island College on Saturday 3/30 against 26 other teams from around the state. They have been preparing since December and are looking forward to a fun day.