Tier 3 Resources

Tier 3 Triangle Image

PBIS’ framework doesn’t just work with school-wide and targeted supports. It’s also an effective way to address sometimes dangerous, often highly disruptive behaviors creating barriers to learning and excluding students from social settings.Tier 3 practices stem from strong foundations in Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports. With both tiers in place, schools are free to organize individualized teams to support students with more intense needs.

Some tier 3 interventions may be similar to those provided at the tier 2 level, however, they will differ due to the use of individualized assessment to identify, a higher intensity and/or frequency of implementation, and are typically provided individually. As such, tier 3 interventions require a significant amount of time and effort by adults to develop and implement.

IUSD Recommended Tiered Behavior Support Process

To provide the most successful support at Tier 3, make sure you have implemented Tiers 1 and 2 with fidelity so that you invest time and resources in the most efficient and effective ways. Our recommended flowchart (to the right) includes links with tools and resources to help guide your support process.

Pleases check out these tools that might be most helpful in identifying the function of behavior and identifying proactive strategies to try before launching into a more intensive Tier 3 behavior support plan:

Click on IMAGE above to access resource

Additional Tier 3 Intervention Resources

Prevent Teach Reinforce (PTR) Image

Prevent Teach Reinforce (PTR)

FBA "Why?" Image

Practical FBA

Wraparound Image




Individualized Behavior Support Plan


A district FBA and Behavior Support Plan to be used with any student requiring Tier 3 support (general education or special education).

Practical FBA

FBA is considered a complex, time-consuming, and rigorous process focused on students with more chronic, intensive behavior problems for whom primary and secondary level interventions were unsuccessful.

Function-Based Assessments & Behavior Intervention Plans

(7 Module Training Model)

Prevent Teach Reinforce (PTR)

Developed by highly respected experts on positive behavior support, this research-proven model gives school teams a step-by-step blueprint for reducing problems unresolved by typical behavior management strategies.


Wraparound differs from many service delivery strategies, in that it provides a comprehensive, holistic, youth and family-driven way of responding when children or youth experience serious mental health or behavioral challenges. Wraparound puts the child or youth and family at the center. With support from a team of professionals and natural supports, the family’s ideas and perspectives about what they need and what will be helpful drive all of the work in Wraparound.

RENEW - High School Supports

Developed by the University of New Hampshire, RENEW (Rehabilitation, Empowerment, Natural Supports, Education, and Work) is a unique application of the wraparound process designed for older, transition-aged youth, who are at the greatest risk of alternative placement and school dropout. RENEW focuses specifically on increasing effective school engagement, employment, post-secondary education and high school completion. RENEW has shown success in reducing school dropout and school push out, while increasing high school participation and completion for students with emotional and behavioral challenges. (Malloy, Sundar, Hagner, Pieras, & Viet, 2010).