Tier 1 Resources

PBIS TIer 1 Triangle Image

Tier 1 systems, data, and practices impact EVERYONE across ALL settings. They establish the foundation for delivering regular, proactive support and preventing unwanted behaviors. Tier 1 emphasizes prosocial skills and expectations by teaching and acknowledging appropriate student behavior.

Integration Resources:

#RSPCT Classroom Best Practices Checklist

#RSPCT Classroom Best Practices Checklist

#RSPCT Exemplar
Behavior Response Flowchart

Trauma Aligned Classroom Practices Crosswalk

Trauma-Informed Classroom Practices

PBIS.org Brief - MTSS in the Classroom.pdf

PBIS.org Brief - MTSS in the Classroom

PBIS.org - Integrated Tiered Fidelity Inventory Companion Guide

PBIS.org - Supporting and Responding to Students’ Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs.pdf

PBIS.org Brief - Supporting & Responding to Students' Social, Emotional & Behavioral Needs

Bully Prevention Resources:

Bullying and Harrassment Prevention in PBIS Manual.pdf

Bully Prevention & Harassment
Middle School Manual


Bully Prevention Elementary Manual