Justervesenet  (JV)

Justervesenet is the national metrology institute in Norway. JV is responsible for developing, maintaining, and disseminating traceability to the SI in the country, to deliver measurement services to customers and for performing research and development in metrology. The technical activities of the metrology laboratory at JV includes a broad range of electrical quantities including QHR resistance. JV has particular expertise in the development of precision shunts for AC current measurement and has previously been involved in several EMPIR projects including 15RPT04 TracePQM, 14RPT01 ACQ-PRO, 15SIB04 QuADC (WP leader), 17NRM02 MeterEMI and 17RPT03 DIG-AC. JV is also coordinator of the 19RPT01 QuantumPower project and will coordinate this project and also act as WP5 leader with scientific participation in WP1 and WP2.