PP9 - regularly reinforces the cross-curricular skills of literacy, numeracy and digital competence, and provides opportunities to practice them.


To synthesise the above, the article below considers the salient and pertinent characteristics of the principle.

Successful Futures

Independent Review of Curriculum and Assessment Arrangements in Wales Professor Graham Donaldson CB February 2015

Chapter 5: Pedagogy

9. Good teaching and learning regularly reinforces Cross-curriculum Responsibilities, including literacy, numeracy and digital competence, and provides opportunities to practise them

The Review proposals will see the Cross-curriculum Responsibilities of Literacy, numeracy and digital competence, together with the wider skills, embedded in the Areas of Learning and Experience. Following consultation, the Welsh Government has embedded literacy and numeracy in existing subjects and Areas of Learning. In due course, this work will require revision to take account of the revised curriculum structure. However, the principle of embedding will remain. The proposed digital competence framework and the wider skills will similarly be embedded in the Achievement Outcomes, identifying opportunities for application as part of the teaching and learning process. The challenge for teaching posed by the Cross-curriculum Responsibilities will be to maintain the focus on these responsibilities within teaching and learning so that their application becomes natural and authentic rather than an add-on.


What is Literacy?

Brief Overview of Context:
A document from the National Literacy Trust emphasizing why Literacy skills are so important.

National Literacy Trust


How important is teaching literacy in all content areas?

Brief Overview of Context: This article discusses how literacy instruction is not the responsibility of language teachers only and asks the question if teachers are giving time daily to learners to practice their communication skills.

Rebecca Alber 2014 Edutopia


Literacy: The Role of communication skills

Brief Overview of Context:
Around 10 per cent of students in secondary school have long-term, persistent speech, language and communication needs which hinder their ability to engage with education. This document explore how poor literacy skills creates barriers to learning and it discusses strategies that could be adopted to overcome these barriers.

Liz Wood & Mary Hartshorne 2017 EdSec


Numeracy: Why is numeracy important?

Brief Overview of Context:
An article published on the National Numeracy websites that highlights the importance of developing good numeracy skills for life.
National Numeracy for everyone, for life “Good numeracy is the best protection against unemployment, low wages and poor health.”

Andreas Schleicher OECD


The Secret of Numeracy (across the Curriculum)

Brief Overview of Context:
An interesting article on David Didau's web page that discusses how numeracy is different to literacy, and that the concept of numeracy needs unpicking in order to think like a 'mathematician.' He identifies ways mathematical thinking might occur naturally across the curriculum.

David Didau 2014
