PP8 - ranges within and across Areas.


To synthesise the above, the articles below consider the salient and pertinent characteristics of the principle.

Successful Futures

Independent Review of Curriculum and Assessment Arrangements in Wales Professor Graham Donaldson CB February 2015

Chapter 5: Pedagogy

8. Good teaching and learning ranges within and across Areas of Learning and Experience

One of the defining features of twenty-first century education will be the capacity to make connections and transfer knowledge and understanding across different contexts in order to address unfamiliar problems. As indicated earlier, the Areas of Learning and Experience in the proposed curriculum should not be seen as distinct entities or timetabled subject areas, nor should the Cross-curriculum Responsibilities and wider skills be developed in isolation. Instead they should all be seen as promoting connections and unity within and between the Areas of Learning and Experience. Artificial connections would render the exercise meaningless, but if powerful connections within and between Areas of Learning and Experience can be found they are likely to improve and reinforce learning in the constituent disciplines. Pedagogical approaches that allow connections to be made via common questions, concepts or skills should be explored within and across Areas of Learning and Experience.


Curriculum Integration: What is happening in New Zealand's schools?

Brief Overview of Context:
This report presents the findings from a research project on curriculum integration in New Zealand schools, carried out by New Zealand Council for Education Research in 2018–19. The purpose of the research was to explore teachers’ rationales for curriculum integration; the approaches and practices used to integrate curriculum; and the learning opportunities such approaches provide for students. Click on the image to view the complete document.

McDowall S and Hipkins R, 2019


Curriculum Integration 2018-2019.pdf

Curriculum for Wales guidance

Brief Overview of Context:
The Curriculum for Wales guidance aims to help each school develop its own curriculum, enabling their learners to develop towards the four purposes of the curriculum – the starting point and aspiration for every child and young person in Wales. This guidance will also be relevant for funded non-maintained nursery settings, pupil referral units (PRUs) and those responsible for the provision of education other than at school (EOTAS) in other settings, enabling them to develop an understanding of the Curriculum for Wales Framework (Framework).

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