PP6 - creates authentic contexts for learning.

Pre-Flight Reflection Explanation

The Pre-Flight Reflection is here to support you on your journey as you begin to implement in some cases and develop in others the Pedagogical Principles outlined in the Welsh Government’s recently released Curriculum for Wales Guidance document.

These Pre-Flight questions can be used with staff within your Area of Learning Experience (AoLE) to promote discussion about your subject and AoLE’s transition towards Curriculum for Wales 2022. It will encourage you to consider the pedagogical approaches you will need to employ to support learners in realising the four purposes. It will also support you in the planning of pedagogy for your classroom, ensuring the learning and teaching considers the ‘why’ and ‘how’ as well as the ‘what’.

Effective pedagogy relies on an in-depth understanding of child and adolescent development. It involves exploring and reflecting on which teaching strategies will best support learning in a given context, and inquiring about the impact of this on learners.

It may support you to identify the pedagogical strengths of your AoLE or specific subject area, and the priorities to be addressed as we move towards September 2022.

"Curriculum design for learners of all ages and abilities should be underpinned by pedagogical principles. These reflect well-documented evidence about effective pedagogy."

Curriculum for Wales Guidance 2020

Pre-Flight Reflection Questions:

  • How is authentic learning defined at your school or setting?

  • To what extent do your learners influence what they learn?

  • In what ways do your learners influence their curriculum?

  • How do learning experiences enable learners to be reflective?

  • How do you know that learning experiences in the classroom are relevant beyond the school gates?

  • What changes do you need to make at a whole school/department level to enable an authentic curriculum?